Thursday, July 8, 2021

My Digital Day

We are learning about how we advertise ourselves online. We talked about only posting things online that keep us safe. We learned how tagging photos and posts make it easier to find out about someone, so we need to be careful about the contents of our post.   

                                               We created a DLO showing our digital day.

FIRSTLY: we went to make a copy of that little island. Then we needed to go on our history and find what we have been doing for the week. 

SECONDLY: we needed to find pictures and put them on the small island. We needed to put footsteps so it is showing our digital footprints.

THIRDLY:  we needed to blog it on here and do writing of what we have been doing.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021



For Literacy we read the poem Octopus. It was about an octopus hiding in his cave and when he got a fright he got angry. When he was angry his colours changed.

I found it easy to find the nouns and verbs.

I really enjoyed reading the words in the poem because they rhymed.